DIAL | Web Application Design
DIAL | Web Application Design
A set of new features designed to improve the usability heuristics of “Playbooks”: visibility of system status, flexibility and efficiency of use, and help and documentation.
Client: Digital Impact Alliance DIAL
My Role: UX Designer, UX Researcher
Design Focus: Web Application Design
Research & Design Tools: Pen& Paper, Google Sheets, InVision, Keynote, Miro, Sketch
Research Methods: Competitive Analysis, Journey Mapping, Kano Analysis
Deliverables: Competitive Analysis, Feature Cards, Journey Map, Annotated Wireframes
Project Summary:
Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) is a part of the United Nations Foundation and is currently in the process of developing a platform that will help users understand what open-source digital solutions are available to help solve problems in developing countries. DIAL is adding new functionality to their platform called “Playbooks”. This is designed to be a how-to guide to help users leverage open-source digital solutions. DIAL is proactively looking at how to improve the user experience of “Playbooks”.
A set of new features designed to improve the usability heuristics of “Playbooks”: visibility of system status, flexibility and efficiency of use, and help and documentation.
In this project, I designed annotated wireframes with my findings and recommendation to improve the user experience of “Playbooks”.
Progress Bar / Chapter Shortcuts
Info Card
Location Services / Translate
Reviews / Comments
Digital Assistant
The Challenge:
Understand two user groups: content consumers and content creators.
Content consumers: the challenge of learning open-source digital solutions in developing countries.
Content creators: the challenge of developing content that is consistent and easy to use.
Learn what comparable applications are doing the space, what features are being leveraged, and what feature I could potentially leverage in a new design.
Design a new set of features to improve the usability of “Playbooks” for both content consumers and content creators.
Kano Model of new features
“I think [the ability to view a draft] would be extremely helpful to guide content creation...”
The Approach:
Competitive Analysis:
To gain insights on what comparable applications are doing in the space, what features are being leveraged and what features I could potentially leverage in a new design.
Journey Mapping:
To illustrate the current user path and to generate hypotheses regarding pain points and areas of opportunity.
Feature Cards:
To ideate features for “Playbooks”.
Kano Analysis:
To test proposed features for the “Playbooks”.
Annotated Wireframes:
To communicate my findings and recommendations for the project.
Journey Map of current and future user path
“Internet can be unstable in many developing countries (and even sometimes in the US), so offline versions of everything are useful.”
The Results:
Annotated wireframes with these recommended features:
Progress Bar:
To help users track their progress as they work through a “Playbook”.
Table of Contents:
To help users easily and quickly navigate through a “Playbook”. Users can click on specific chapters or sections to navigate forward and back.
Downloadable PDF:
To help users in developing countries, where internet access may not always be available.
Get Help Button:
A button in the right corner, floating, to help users get in contact with DIAL, when they have a question about “Playbooks”.
Annotated Wireframes with recommendations for content consumers
Annotated Wireframes with recommendations for content creators
Final Thoughts:
The most important new feature is “Playbooks” itself, a how-to guide to help users leverage open-source digital solutions in developing countries. Thank you to DIAL for proactively looking at how to improve the user experience of “Playbooks”.